Saturday, 5 September 2009


Ceasing to live is also a part of life. Yes, death is a part of life and the more you repeat it, the more theses words start to sink in. Though, the reason is still unknown but no life is also a part of life.
We call it Death!
The same dark, omnious word that we often use as a joke but a word, strong enough to send a shiver down your spine. Is it supposed to be so scary? But then I guess, unknown always is. We are all such control freak, at the end of the day, and we like to know the whats? the whys? and hows? and so on. In a way, anything mysterious becomes sinister, by default.
"He was only a little kid, she was such a happy soul, they should have lived longer! It is unfair!"
18 0r 80, will it EVER be fair? Will we EVER say, "Oh! you've lived long enough, it's time you say goodbye?" What IS the 'right' age to die? We were all born, so, we all have the right to live.
"Zindagi badi honi chahiye, babu moshaye, lambi nahi."
These words seem to ring in my ears. I believe, it really holds true. Not living is sadder than the absence of life.
And what when somebody dies, do we actually moan their ot being able to live or our own loss? Does it all come down to us being selfish?
And why should it be so morbid? We don't know howthings are after.. If it's all left to our imagination, maybe it isn't that bad after all or maybe we are again trying to ease our pain.
I guess, I wouldn't know till that man in the black cloak is out to get me.


I seemed to have lost my faith!
Perhaps it was the swine that got me. It must have been it! The
constant gnawing at my insides, the never-ending anxiety, the receding
faith, the oceans I cried, all must have been the symptoms.
I was looking for answers, I could not find, them legs moving on in a
trance, them eyes shut tight!
I sit here today and I have my answers. I always had them, I just
wasn’t looking. It is so simple that I can’t put it in words which
only makes me realise how complicated we like to make everything
around us.

When was the last time that we actually admired something
that didn’t have an intricate design? We sit here with morbid thoughts
running like hurricanes in our minds, moaning about how wrongs things
were and we call out his name with such a sorry desperation in our
voices but when was the last that we turned to him with a faith so
strong that things would be better? When was the last time that we
used the eyes he gave to look at him or used our ears to hear his
voice? When was the last time we loved everything we have with our
heart? When was the last time we smiled a smile that reached our eyes?
When was the last time we appreciated someone else without a hint of
We cry about the problems we created for ourselves and every time we
do that we look for God to pin it on but when was the last time we
actually take ownership of all those things that we didn’t do?
It’s just so simple so I let it be like it is! :)