Wednesday, 3 June 2015

The moment when you start existing and start believing in yourself and in everything around. . everything communicates . . I exist and I exist for a reason . .all secrets within you come out in the open . . a mind lies here in the nude 

Free as a wave that breaks away from the depths of the sea under a glittering moon, bound by the promises made, I sink with the sands of time, perhaps, ethereal 

Hello my very many faceless followers in this void of the world wide web. It hasn't escaped my notice that my last post was posted way back in 2013 and now we are in the TWO THOUSAND FIFTEEN. So it has been a LONG TWO years since I used this space. Two years? Really? It doesn't feel it, feels like it was just tomorrow when I was tapping away on my keyboard in a state of trance but the world wide web doesn't lie. It has been THAT long. Although I did find a few random scribbles although I'd prefer the word scribblings (which remind me rabbit poo but I do like saying the word) that I must have written down in the past two years. Funny thing, Time, the more I try and solve this equation called time, the more I want to become it. Faceless,  mostly escaping unnoticed and bullying your face off till it weighs you down  when it decides to act like a downright beast. But if I really think about it maybe I don't want to become time, that would mean I'd be endless and never stopping even for a microsecond. I'd be fit as hell but tired beyond words. Just the thought tires me and makes me immovable. Did I ever say, I sometimes live a life full of oxymorons? Well I do. If I haven’t said it before, I am saying it now. 

I would tell you what has been happening in my life in the last two years, except I don’t know how to. I don’t exactly know which part of my kaliedscopic life, I am in, at this very minute. So, I guess, time doesn’t change much. I still live a life of utter confusion, all except I don’t bother about them so much. A conundrumic life. Hah! I wanted to use the word conundrum today. It is a mighty fancy word. Conundrum. 

I was reading up about brains today and how it is divided into various parts. A mighty loads of jargons, that article was but here is what I remember of it. I, as do you all, have an obnoxiously arrogant controlling apparatus on our heads from sleep to our music, it controls EVERYTHING. From hysteria to psychedelic imagination. If I could buy a brain in a shop, I would chose the
artistic colorful types. This very interesting part is the hippocampus ( I wonder why it is called that, All I can imagine is a school of hungry hippos running about in a state of complte frenzy) but that is what it does, it controls our memories, I guess that is how our memories are, like the chaotic hippos. Sometimes you make sense of them and sometimes they leave you stumped, like my little scribblings from past. Thinking about them in my glorious present, I don't even remember ever penning them down but here they are staring at me in my face. Makes me realize how little of myself did I carry on forward with me to the 2015 and yet it is still me. One can only hope a little more sorted me. Sorted!  

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