Monday, 3 January 2011

i dream

A year that started in denial, a denial that doesn't row the boat gently down the stream any more. The knots got tighter. The waits got longer and heavier. Illusions lost meaning and reality, well, all reality is only translucent. I was headed to a land of no thoroughfare and they said it will set you free. When you've grown up being told what to do, freedom seems hostile no matter how friendly you are. Freedom makes it uglier, probably more than what it is. Freedom makes you forget.It makes you forget the littlest things, the littlest most important things, like dreaming. What else can a dreamer do if he forgets to do what his name demands him to do? She just gets lost. I got lost.

She gets lost to be found. I got lost to be found. Faith, is probably the most powerful woman that ever lived. She eventually finds you and you have no option but to surrender because if you look out he window, it's snowing. Everything is happy when snows. Everything lives when it snows. Like little reminders, it showers down on you and you remember what you were forgetting. Magic re-kindles and dreams once dreamt come true. I think it was then that I saw in the eyes of snow and what I saw fixed me. It held me tight in its arm and fixed me.

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